Girl in a jacket


(A state University established under Haryana Act No.XXV of 1975)


Date of result declaration : 01/10/2021

Student Details

Reg.No. : 2012191075

Student Name : Ashish Goyal

Sem/Part : 2(JUL - 2021)

Course Name : (BT02)

Roll No. : 2002791

Father Name : Naresh Goyal

College Code : 3057

College Name : st andrews instute of technology and mangement

Obtained Marks Details

Subject Detail Theory Marks Sessional Marks Pratical Marks Total Marks obtained Total Marks
BSC-MTH-104G 59 24 83 100
BSC-PHY-103G 61 24 85 100
BSC-PHY-113G 24 22 46 50
ESC-EE-101G 58 24 82 100
ESC-EE-102G 24 22 46 50
ESC-ME-101G 24 70 94 100
HSMC-ENG102G 24 22 46 50
Total :- 482 550


NOTE:In R.L.A/R.L.E. cases(Result due to non-receipt/non-eligibility of awards)the student concerned shouldsubmit detail viz:name of examination center,date of examination,name of subject(where A.W.has been indicated)along with a copy of the downloaded result to the concerned Result Branch within 10 days positively, falling which he/she will be treated 'absent' in the said paper and the result will be finalized accordingly.