
Travel Website

This is a travel website, In this website you visit India's Teertha Sthal Ayodhya, Mathura, Dwarka, Haridwar, Varanasi (Benaras, Kashi), Kanchipuram, and Ujjain (Avanti).

Restaurant Website

This is a Demo Website of Restaurant. I made this website with the help of HTML Template.

Education Website

To find the best online course websites. The list includes top-quality courses to learn new skills. fast.

Demo Page

This is my first landing page.With the help of this i learn margin,padding,spacing,section paragraph and boxing.

Marksheet Page

Here,I am creating my btech second semester result . To make this marksheet ,I am using table property ,headings,style and paragraph. Most important property in this project is table property.

Technical Documentation Page

Technical documentation is any document that explains the features of the respective product. In this project, I was created a technical documentation of C++ using HTML and CSS. The webpage has a menu sections that helps to navigate to different sections of the webpage.

Payent Form

In this form ,I am creating contanct information and payment information. CONTACT INFORMATION contain.. Name ,Gender ,mail,Address and pincode.Here all are required inputs excepts address. PAYMENT INFORMATION contain... card type ,card number,cvv,password and expiry date.Here all are required inputs.
